Pictures coming up here...
Ile de Ré | France
Richelieu | France
1-view of the cardinal's square from inside the old halle - 2-view of the church on cardinal's square-3- huge aristocratic residences with big backyards are to be seen along the principal street, the principal axis joining the religious pole and the royal pole- 4-the sacred city is built on an ideal of symetry and hierachized perfection (mid 17th century, end of Louis XIII's reign), only three doors allow entrance to the centre, the south door here and examples of what you could see through the private doors to the backyards - 5-the glorious planted driveway facing the statue of Cardinal Richelieu
Edinburgh | Scotland
1-view from Arthur's seat over Holyrood, the Scottish Parliament (Miralles) and part of the New Town (17th century)- 2-landscape and benches melting together in the gardens behind the new Scottish Parliament, the green axis from Arthur's seat fromwhich the Parliament devellops as leaves on branches- 3- the old Grassmarket, 2nd part after the wall extension- 4-bike parking furniture close to the Parliament gardens- 5- ceiling in a pub in the Old Town (Medieval)
Meanwhile in Copenhagen, I have spotted some interesting summer activities:
- from 16th July-14th August: Urbant aktivitets bureau is organising activities and events around in the capital, allowing you to discover it with new eyes. Sounds really great!
Where and when? Rumkammerats galleri, Nansensgade 35, from Tuesdays to Saterdays
Read more on or
- Still free tours in Copenhagen with CphX and DAC: take the boat, your bike or just wear your walking shoes...they are all very interesting and informs you on what is happening now in Copenhagen in terms of city development and architecture.