10 septembre 2011

Moving on

Copenhagen is still busy, still full of things to see, visit, check-out. The latest is their set of debates on housing types and living forms: how should planners and architect conceive living in the city? What are the demands and desire of the citizens? What do they associate with city life and how can we provide them with it? How should living in a city be considered as well according to issues of social sustainability, environmental considerations, density, transportation and so on?

For more information, go to cphx.dk

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I have now moved to Aalborg, currently doing a traineeship in Curitiba - Brazil - and therefore closing down this chapter for the moment. The blog is though still a good reference for those who desire to travel to Copenhagen and see the city - so ENJOY!

The chapter on Brazil is opened on the page curaventuras.blogspot.com ;-)