Skuespilhuset - Det Kongelig Teater - and Kvæstbroen
Location: København centrum, ved havnefronten
Tegnet af
Lundgaard & Tranberg
International arkitektkonkurrence udskrevet af Kulturministeriet i 2001

One of my favourite occupation in Copenhagen, why? Go there, and you'll know...Interesting, interrogating and exciting plays with quality actors in spaces and rooms challenging the eyes and satisfying the senses.

This time the play,
Rødt og grønt, questions the public on the social work in developping countries: how do the "helping immigrants" live, how do they act, how do they consider themselves and the people around them, what is their purpose? Compassion or ego-building? What kind of fake world in between home and abroad have they created in order to survive and get the impression of doing something meaningful in this world? It is more a critical parody on a trend existing some decennies ago but still what do we actually know about those people we send to attend to others? What gives us the impression we need to help and interfere, what gives us the right, and especially who? How far can we go before it is affecting someone else's vital rights?
From laughter to some kind of unpleasant feeling of blasphemy, this piece was greatly produced, everything laying in subtilities and details.

The friendly evening temperature allowed to enjoy the leasure installations on Kvæstbroen, in front of the theater.

See also post from the 27th April 2010
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